You Look Good For Your Age

You Look Good For Your Age

This is a book about women, aging, and ageism. There are twenty-nine contributing writers, ranging in age from their forties to their nineties. Through essays, short stories, and poetry, they share their distinct opinions, impressions, and speculations on aging and ageism and their own growth as people. In these thoughtful, fierce, and funny works, the writers show their belief in women and the aging process.

Editor: Rona Altrows

Rona Altrows, Debbie Bateman, Moni Brar, Maureen Bush, Sharon Butala, Jane Cawthorne, Joan Crate, Dora Dueck, Cecelia Frey, Ariel Gordon, Elizabeth Greene, Vivian Hansen, Joyce Harries, Elizabeth Haynes, Paula E. Kirman, Joy Kogawa, Laurie MacFayden, JoAnn McCaig, Wendy McGrath, E.D.Morin, Lisa Murphy Lamb, Lorri Neilsen Glenn, Olyn Ozbick, Roberta Rees, Julie Sedivy, Madelaine Shaw-Wong, Anne Sorbie, Aritha van Herk, Laura Wershler

Reviews, Interviews, and Blog Posts

Prairie Books Now, Spring/Summer 2021

Book Launch


How to buy this book

This book’s publisher is University of Alberta Press (
ISBN 978-1-77212-532-0 (softcover). ISBN 978-1-77212-573-3 (pdf)

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If you are in Canada you can also buy this book from Chapters Indigo Online ( )

Don’t forget your library

Canada has a program called Public Lending Rights (PLR) that pays each book author an annual sum based on the number of libraries that carry the book. Please encourage your local library add this book to their collection! Most libraries are happy to receive book recommendations.